7th Brazilian Guideline of Arterial Hypertension: Chapter 2 - Diagnosis and Classification

The initial assessment of a patient with systemic arterial hypertension (SAH) comprises diagnostic confirmation, suspicion and identification of the secondary cause, and assessment of CV risks. In addition, target-organ damage (TOD) and associated diseases should be investigated. Such assessment comprises BP measurement in the office and/or outside the office, by use of proper technique and validated equipment, medical history (personal and family), physical examination and clinical and laboratory investigation. General assessments directed to all, and, in some cases, complementary assessments only for specific groups are proposed. Measurement of BP In the office Blood pressure should be measured in all assessments performed by physicians of any specialty and other health care professionals properly trained. Blood pressure should be measured at least every two years for adults with BP levels ≤ 120/80 mm Hg, and annually for those with BP levels > 120/80 mm Hg and < 140/90 mm Hg.1 Manual, semi-automated or automated sphygmomanometers can be used. They should be validated, and calibrated annually following the INMETRO recommendations (Chart 1). The BP should be taken in the arm, with a cuff size adequate to arm circumference (Chart 2). When AH secondary to coarctation of the aorta is suspected, BP should be measured in the lower limbs with proper cuffs.2 Chart 1 INMETRO ordinances n. 24, of February 22, 1996, for mechanical aneroid sphygmomanometers, and n. 96, of March 20, 2008, for digital electronic sphygmomanometers for non-invasive measurement.
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