M2C: A Massive Performance and Energy Throttling Framework for High-Performance Computing Systems

At the Petascale level of performance, High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems require significant use of supercomputers with the extensive parallel programming approaches to solve the complicated computational tasks. The Exascale level of performance having 1018 calculations per second is another remarkable achievement in computing with a fathomless influence on everyday life. The current technologies are facing various challenges while achieving ExaFlop performance through energy-efficient systems. Massive parallelism and power consumption are vital challenges for achieving ExaFlop performance. In this paper, we have introduced a novel parallel programming model that provides massive performance under power consumption limitations by parallelizing data on the heterogeneous system to provide coarse grain and fine-grain parallelism. The proposed dual-hierarchical architecture is a hybrid of MVAPICH2 and CUDA, called the M2C model, for heterogeneous systems that utilize both CPU and GPU devices for providing massive parallelism. To validate the objectives of the current study, the proposed model has been implemented using bench-marking applications including linear Dense Matrix Multiplication. Furthermore, we conducted a comparative analysis of the proposed model by existing state-of-the-art models and libraries such as MOC, kBLAS, and cuBLAS. The suggested model outperforms existing models while achieving massive performance in HPC clusters and can be considered for emerging Exascale computing systems.
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