Die ventrale Kompressionsspondylodese mit Fixateur-interne-Instrumentation - eine biomechanische Untersuchung

: Pseudarthrosis is said to be a main complication in anterior interbody fusion. It is usually the result of an insufficient mechanical stability which hinders bony incorporation of intervertebral bone grafts. In order to improve stability dorsal transpedicular instrumentation should be carried out to achieve interfragmentary compression between bone block and adjacent vertebral endplate. Using human lumbar spine cadavers and a capacitive measuring mat an experimental study was completed to find out in which way an internal fixator has to be used to achieve this goal. The collected data showed that simple compression of the fixator by reducing the distance between the Schanz-screws did not produce sufficient interfragmentary compression. Preloading the fixator in kyphosis and compression in a second step improved the results significantly. Using this technique a compressive interbody fusion can be attained.
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