Electric and Magnetic Low-Temperature Phase Transitions of YbMn2O5.

We made measurements of dielectric constant, pyroelectric current, magnetic susceptibility and magnetoelectric effect of single crystals of YbMn 2 O 5 . From the results, we concluded that there were two phase transitions besides antiferromagnetic transition at approximately 40 K. The first transition at 32 K is characterized by a peak of dielectric constant, a kink of magnetoelectric polarization and an appearance of pyroelectricity below this temperature. It was considered to be electric in nature. The second one is at 6 K. It is also accompanied by another peak of dielectric constant, a steep rise of pyroelectricity and anomalies of both magnetic and magnetoelectric susceptibilities. We suppose that the ordering of Yb 3+ magnetic moments begins to develop at this temperature, involving a change in the crystal structure and then in spontaneous polarization. The low temperature phase has a magnetic field-induced transition which occurs at about 19 kOe at 4.2 K.
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