Investigación del comportamiento de menores y jóvenes en las redes sociales mediante técnicas de Social Big Data.

espanolEl objetivo es identificar la produccion cientifica sobre el com-portamiento y consumo comunicativo de los menores y los jo-venes en internet utilizando una metodologia Social Big Data (SBD). Mediante una revision sistematica se han identificado 58 documentos academicos publicados entre 2010-2020 (mayo). Se compendian las dimensiones mas investigadas, los paises con mayor produccion cientifica, el perfil academico de las revistas, las tecnicas de investigacion basadas en SBD y los hallazgos mas relevantes. Las principales conclusiones son que los cientificos estan utilizando el SBD para, mediante gran cantidad de datos analizados en tiempo real, conocer los usos y efectos de las accio-nes de los adolescentes en la red asi como para crear algoritmos que posibiliten la identificacion de tendencias de riesgo adoles-cente. Se confirma que la produccion cientifica es escasa en re-vistas de ciencias sociales y la necesaria asociacion y coautoria de comunicologos y sociologos con cientificos de perfil tecnico para lograr mayor compresion de la realidad e incrementar las publicaciones en ciencias sociales. EnglishThe aim of this study is to identify the academic research related to the behaviour and communication consumption of minors and young people on the internet through the use of a Social Big Data (SBD) methodology. A systematic review has identified 58 scholarly works published between 2010 and 2020 (May). This article has summarised the most widely studied aspect of the issue, as well as the countries that have conducted the largest amount of research, the academic profile of the journals, research techniques based on SBD, and the most relevant findings. The main conclusions of the study are that scientists currently use SBD to understand the uses and effects of adolescent online activity by analysing large amounts of data in real time, and also to create algorithms that make it possible to identify trends in adolescent risk. It has been confirmed that there is a scarce amount of academic research related to this topic in social science journals, and there is also a shortage of an association and co-authorship between communicologists and sociologists, on the one hand, and scientists with a technical background on the other hand, which is necessary in order to achieve a greater understanding of the situation and increase the number of publications related to this issue in the area of social science
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