KIR channels in the microvasculature: Regulatory properties and the lipid-hemodynamic environment

Abstract Basal tone and perfusion control is set in cerebral arteries by the sensing of pressure and flow, key hemodynamic stimuli. These forces establish a contractile foundation within arterial networks upon which local neurovascular stimuli operate. This fundamental process is intimately tied to arterial VM and the rise in cytosolic [Ca2 +] by the graded opening of voltage-operated Ca2 + channels. Arterial VM is in turn controlled by a dynamic interaction among several resident ion channels, KIR being one of particular significance. As the name suggests, KIR displays strong inward rectification, retains a small outward component, potentiated by extracellular K+ and blocked by micromolar Ba2 +. Cerebrovascular KIR is unique from other K+ currents as it is present in both smooth muscle and endothelium yet lacking in classical regulatory modulation. Such observations have fostered the view that KIR is nothing more than a background conductance, activated by extracellular K+ and which passively facilitates dilation. Recent work in cell model systems has; however, identified two membrane lipids, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) and cholesterol, that interact with KIR2.x, to stabilize the channel in the preferred open or silent state, respectively. Translating this unique form of regulation, recent studies have demonstrated that specific lipid-protein interactions enable unique KIR populations to sense distinct hemodynamic stimuli and set basal tone. This review summarizes the current knowledge of vascular KIR channels and how the lipid and hemodynamic impact their activity.
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