Analyzing the administrative effectiveness of the Turkish sports administration’s provincial structure according to personnel perspectives Türk spor yönetimi taşra yapılanmasının yönetsel etkinliğinin personel görüşlerine göre incelenmesi

The purpose of this study aimed to evaluate performed effectiveness of the Provincial Directorate of Youth Services and Sports (PDYSS) to promote sports in Turkey, in accordance with the perspectives of the personnel who are part of this structure. For this purpose, administrative duties of PDYSS were studied in terms of sports facilities, shareholders, provided services, budget and administrative structure. 1681 personnel, who work in PDYSS in 81 cities in Turkey, voluntarily participated in the research. As a result of the conducted analysis, while PDYSS personnel strongly agreed with the statement “it is important for PDYSS to control sports facilities in order to set the standards”, the statements “budget supplied by the Ministry of Youth and Sports for reaching PDYSS’ goals is sufficient” and “every department of PDYSS is well equipped in terms of providing opportunities to the local people from every walk of life” were the least accepted statements by the personnel. When the sports facilities, shareholders, provided services, budget and administrative structure dimensions were analyzed, it has been observed that according to the scale planning, participants have a positive evaluation on PDYSS’ current situation. In conclusion, PDYSS personnel think that PDYSS fulfill the administrative duties mentioned in the research, above the average level. Ozet Bu arastirma amaci, Genclik Hizmetleri ve Spor Il Mudurlugu’nun (GHSIM) yonetsel etkinliginin, bu yapilanma icerisinde yer alan personelin goruslerine gore degerlendirilmesidir. Bu amacla Genclik ve Spor Hizmetleri Il Mudurluklerinin yonetsel gorevleri spor tesisleri, paydaslar, saglanan hizmetler, butce ve idari yapilanma boyutlarinda incelenmistir. Turkiye’nin 81 ilindeki GHSIM’lerde gorev yapan 1618 personel arastirma kapsamina alinmistir. Yapilan analizler sonucunda GHSIM personeli “Spor tesislerinin standartlarinin saglanmasi icin GHSIM’lerin kontrolunde olmalari onemlidir” maddesine en cok katilirken, “GHSIM’lerin amaclarini gerceklestirmek icin Genclik ve Spor Bakanligi’ndan aldigi butce yeterlidir” ve “GHSIM mevcut organlari toplumun her kesiminden yerel halka spor yapma olanagi saglamada yeterli donanima sahiptir” maddesi en az katildiklari madde olmustur. Spor tesisleri, paydaslar, saglanan hizmetler, butce ve idari yapilanma boyutlari incelendiginde, olcek puanlamasina gore katilimcilarin GHSIM’lerin mevcut durumunu olumlu degerlendirdikleri tespit edilmistir. Sonuc olarak, GHSIM personeli, GHSIM’lerin gorevlerini orta duzeyin ustunde yerine getirdigini dusunmektedir.
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