Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penerimaan Bantuan Pupuk Kompos terhadap Kelompok Tani di Kecamatan Payung menggunakan Metode Visekriterijumska Kompromisno Rangijanje (VIKOR)

Compost fertilizer is organic fertilizer made by the process of decaying the remains of organic matter, both plant and animal waste, which is processed by fermentation first. At this time compost is one of the government programs to help the community Farmers Group. In the current farmer group program, the government is experiencing difficulties in determining the acceptance of compost fertilizer assistance, including the difficulty in determining who is really eligible to receive compost fertilizer assistance. To make it easier for the Umbrella sub-district to determine the receipt of compost fertilizer assistance in order to obtain precise and accurate results, a decision support system is needed to determine compost fertilizer assistance using the VIKOR method. The existence of a decision support system is able to provide convenience to the Umbrella sub-district in determining the correct and accurate receipt of compost fertilizer assistance.
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