[Posterior vitreous detachment and cystoid macular oedema post-cataract surgery: a case report].

: The posterior vitreous detachment consists in the separation between the posterior vitreal cortex and internal limiting membrane of the retina. This is the peak of the vitreal para-physiological age-related modifications. This problem occurs in 6% of normal people of age between 45 and 65 years and in 65% of individuals between 65 and 85 years. Several elements can be responsible for vitreous modifications, such as senility, myopia, aphakia, pseudophakia, diabetes, degeneration vitreous retinal hereditary, traumatisms, inflammation. A 75 year old male patient has come to our attention for a left eye cataract. He has undergone to a series of OCT: the first before surgery showed a perifoveal vitreous detachmen; the following ones until six months after surgery put in evidence the DPV progression accompanied by EMC, relating it with visual symptomatology. Therefore, OCT is a useful tool for a clinical analysis but also for the contribution to research concerning the pathogenesis of diseases due to vitreo-retinal modification.
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