Sensitivity of Coastal Environments and Wildlife to Spilled Oil: Florida: T_MAMMAL (Terrestrial Mammal Polygons)

This data set contains sensitive biological resource data for State and Federally threatened and endangered terrestrial mammals in [for] South Florida. Vector polygons in this data set represent State and Federally threatened and endangered terrestrial mammal distribution. Species specific abundance, seasonality, status, life history, and source information are stored in relational data tables (described below) designed to be used in conjunction with this spatial data layer. This data set comprises a portion of the ESI data for South Florida. ESI data characterize the marine and coastal environments and wildlife by their sensitivity to spilled oil. The ESI data include information for three main components: shoreline habitats, sensitive biological resources, and human-use resources. FWRI staff have combined the Panhandle and South Florida terrestrial mammal data with other areas from the 2003 ESI mapping effort, and joined to the biogwis flat file. For more information on this process please contact FWRI.
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