Oncological and Functional Outcomes of Conservation Surgery for Carcinoma Glottis

Conservation laryngectomy has gained considerable acceptance as a means of enhancing overall long-term function preservation in the management of glottic cancers. This study aims to evaluate the oncological and functional outcomes of conservation surgery for carcinoma of the glottis. Fifty consecutive conservation laryngectomies from January 2010 to December 2018 were studied. Glottic cancers of stages I to IVa were carefully selected both in the primary and salvage settings after a consensus from the multidisciplinary tumour board (MDT). Oncological outcomes in terms of overall survival and disease-free survival were measured, and the long-term functional outcomes of voice and swallowing were evaluated using the GRBAS vocal scale and SWAL-QOL questionnaire. The median follow-up period was 63.4 months. The overall 5-year survival probability was 98% (standard error 2.2%), while median disease-free survival was 23 months. The median GRBAS scores in the open and transoral laser microsurgery (TOLMS) group were 1.828 and 1.428, respectively. The median SWAL-QOL scores in majority of quality of life domains were in the mild or no disease impact zone (71–100). Conservative laryngeal surgery plays a crucial role in the treatment of glottic cancers in all stages. It is oncologically safe, and the functional outcomes are favourable.
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