Langmuir probe array for the small angle slot divertor in DIII-D

The DIII-D small angle slot (SAS) divertor is designed for divertor physics studies with enhanced neutral confinement and special target geometries in a closed divertor. The closed nature of the SAS makes optical diagnostic measurements difficult, so a specially designed, multipurpose array of Langmuir probes has been implemented to study the plasma conditions in and around the slot. The probes are spaced to provide at least 2 mm resolution (shorter than the energy decay length) of the near scrape-off layer when mapped to the outer mid-plane. Due to space limitations at the bottom of the slot, a novel spring-loaded probe and tile design was developed to clamp several short rooftop probe tips and insulators to the cooled baseplate. Initial probe measurements revealed tile to tile edge shadowing, especially where magnetic field line surface angles were less than 1°. Additionally, it was found, using three Langmuir probes (at 90°, 180°, and 270°), that the strike point variation of ±5 mm radially around the torus was not well aligned with the circular slot geometry [Watkins et al., Nucl. Mater. Energy 18, 46 (2019)]. These issues were resolved by (1) designing tiles with all probes mounted near the tile center instead of near the edges and (2) aligning these new custom tiles to the measured strike point toroidal surface with a very accurate laser scanning alignment tool. Post-alignment Langmuir probe measurements and plasma behavior demonstrated close agreement at two separate toroidal locations that were 45° apart.
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