Retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma. Report of a case

OBJECTIVE: To report an additional case of retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma. METHODS/RESULTS: A case of retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma that had been incidentally discovered in a 27-year-old male during abdominal US evaluation is described. The diagnosis was based on the histopathological findings after US-guided biopsy. The clinical features and the findings of the complementary tests, which included radiological assessment, intravenous urography, CT and cavography are presented, as well as the pathology findings. Treatment was by complete surgical excision of the tumor. CONCLUSION: Treatment of ganglioneuroma is by surgery, since the diagnosis is generally based on the histopathological analysis of the surgical specimen. For those cases with a preoperative diagnosis, some authors advocate surgery for patients with clinical evidence of neuroblastoma or another pathology arising from this disease. Although infrequent, ganglioneuroma coexisting with neuroblastoma can occur. For this reason, complete excision of the tumor is preferred.
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