Specialties' Collection of the Turkish Pharmacy Museum - Türk Eczacılık Tarihi Müzesi İlaç Koleksiyonu

The first Turkish pharmacy museum was established in 1960 by Prof. Turhan Baytop within the Faculty of Pharmacy of Istanbul University. The buildings of the Faculty of Pharmacy sustained significant damage in the earthquake of 1999 and as a result, the collections of the Museum were moved to storage. When the fortification and restoration of Building A of the Faculty of Pharmacy was completed in 2011, all collections and furniture of the museum were moved into a larger and more appropriate space in the first floor of the building. The museum has a very rich drug collection. The inventory of the drugs in this collection was prepared in the aim of learning about the changes that occurred in the Turkish pharmaceutical industry over time. We have found that of the 1167 drugs in the collection 27% were produced by Turkish companies and the 73% were produced by foreign enterprises. The earliest drugs in the collection are the first local preparations of the Ottoman era, namely “Pertev Syrup" and “Elixir of Sureyya". The number of Turkish firms represented in the collection is 115 of which 102 are local companies holding production and/or sales rights to the drugs whereas 13 are legal or real persons manufacturing the medications as pharmacists, warehousemen, distributors, representative agents, or general agents of a foreign company for Turkey. The drugs have been grouped by manufacturers and it has been found that the Turkish and foreign companies represented mostly in the collection are Ibrahim Ethem Ulagay and Bayer respectively. In conclusion the drug collection of the Museum contains numerous drugs from the Ottoman and Turkish Republic eras that were and in some cases still are being used for medical purposes. Among these drugs are some medications which were the frontrunners of their times. Ozet Turkiye’nin ilk eczacilik tarihi muzesi 1960 yilinda Prof. Dr. Turhan Baytop tarafindan Istanbul Universitesi Eczacilik Fakultesi’nde kurulmustur. 1999 Istanbul Depremi’nden sonra Eczacilik Fakultesi’ne ait binalarin hasar gormesi nedeniyle muzenin esyalari ambalajlanarak arsivde depolanmistir. A blogun restorasyonu bitince muzenin tum mobilyasi ve esyalari 2011 yilinda birinci katta bulunan iki salon icine yerlestirilerek muze yeniden kurulmustur. Muzede cok zengin bir ilac koleksiyonu bulunmaktadir. Turkiye’deki ilac endustrisinin zaman icindeki durumunu ortaya koymak amaciyla bu ilac koleksiyonunun envanteri hazirlanmistir. Bulgularimiza gore bu koleksiyonda bulunan 1166 adet ilacin % 27’sinin yerli firmalar, % 73’unun ise yabanci firmalar tarafindan uretildigi gorulmektedir. Muzede bulunan en eski tarihli ilaclar Osmanli doneminin ilk yerli mustahzarlarindan olan Pertev Şurubu ve Iksir-i Sureyya’dir. Uretici firmalara bakildiginda yerli firma sayisinin toplam 115 oldugu, bunlardan 102’sinin ilaca ait ruhsati elinde bulunduran yerli firmalar, diger 13’unun ise eczaci, depocu, dagitici, mumessil, Turkiye umumi vekili gibi sifatlarla ilac uretmis tuzel veya gercek kisiler oldugu gorulmektedir. Ilaclar uretici firmalara gore gruplandirilmis ve en cok ilaci bulunan firmanin yerli firmalardan Ibrahim Ethem Ulagay, yabanci firmalardan ise Bayer firmasi oldugu gorulmustur. Sonuc olarak bu koleksiyon Osmanli’dan gunumuze Turkiye’de kullanilmis ve kullanilmakta olan ilaclari icermektedir. Bu ilaclarin arasinda donemlerine damga vuran ilaclar da bulunmaktadir.
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