「閔翁傳」의 ‘민옹-화자’ 구도로 보는 해학과 풍자 - 『史記列傳』과의 비교를 겸하여 -

「Minongjeon(閔翁傳), Tale of Min Yusin」 actively intervene not only the protagonist Min Yusin, but the narrator by maintaining and emphasizing the relationship between Min Yusin and the narrator. This paper contemplates the projection of the development of their peer relationship by employing the element of humor and satire as literary devices. Taking a progressive and original view for the period, Yunam applied what he learned from The Records of the Grand Historian (史記) to his creation. Furthermore, by understanding and modifying The Records of the Grand Historian with various considerations including Yunam not only utilized literary figures of speeches, but also accommodated the content and Sima Qian’s thoughts in depth. An examination of the conflict between Min Yusin’s ideals and reality and the narrator’s internally influential relationship with Min Yusin affirms that Minongjeon delivers the subject circuitously. Min Yusin and the narrator’s relationship involves elements of encountering, sharing through a sense of kinship, and parting over the course of their deepening friendship. Because the narrator’s depression is not quite cured, it becomes clear that the humor and satire shared between Min Yusin and the narrator do not address the depression’s fundamental cause. Inner frustration and empathy toward the object of humor penetrates the inner sense of humor and satire and relates to the figuration and context of the theme of the Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng (屈原賈生列傳). Through Yunam Pak Chiwon’s Shiji (史記), a related record, it can be confirmed that the bestirringrite relates to Shiji and is arranged consistently throughout the beginning and the end of Minongjeon. In particular, but focusing on humorous factors, Yunam actively engaged in expressing the distress of characters who, at the time, struggled to adjust to the rapidly changing society. Moreover, Yunam reinvented the ubiquitous psychology of human conflict and the cycle of frustration, joy, sorrow, and consolation by grafting humor and satire into Minongjeon(閔翁傳) and empathizing with the audience.
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