Dataset showing the abundance and distribution of benthic foraminifera in relation to marine sediment parameters from western Arabian Gulf

Abstract This dataset supports the paper entitled “A baseline investigation of benthic foraminifera in relation to marine sediments parameters in western parts of the Arabian Gulf”. Duplicate sediment samples (sets A and B) were collected from 30 stations in an area covering approximately 25000 km2 in the offshore northern Arabian Gulf, using a van Veen grab (0.1 m2 area) and the top 1 cm was analysed for living benthic foraminifera. A set of samples was devoted to foraminiferal analysis while the other, set B, for sediment analyses. In situ hydrographical parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH, turbidity and DO were measured at surface waters. The top 1 cm was subsampled for foraminiferal analyses from the grab and preserved using 70% ethanol with Rose-Bengal stain. Potentially Toxic Elements (PTE) levels in sediment and grain size distributions were analysed. The dataset is expected to provide a baseline for PTE levels in sediment, benthic foraminiferal communities, and identify endemic species adapted to extremes of temperature and saline conditions typical of the Gulf. It can also be used by environmental managers, micropaleotologists, students in environmental/geology/marine science as reference background conditions based on sediment toxicity and benthic community information in revising environmental guidelines in the region. Data from this study suggest that PTEs are within the range of background values, and the sediments support highly diversified and stable benthic foraminiferal communities adapted to the unique environmental conditions in the Gulf. To date, this dataset documents the highest number of living benthic foraminifera species reported from the Gulf, and the most diverse living community compared to all previous studies. It also provides evidence for the full recovery of areas impacted during the 1991 Gulf oil spill which is evident by the diverse and flourishing assemblages of living benthic foraminifera documented.
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