Novel carbon-ion fuel cells. First quarter 1995 technical progress report

Research continued on task 2, the measurements on carbides with the fluorite structure. There are twelve known carbides of the fluorite structure with transition temperatures from 350-1450 C. Small quantities of these carbides in powder form will be purchased when commercially available. Pellets pressed from powder within an inert atmosphere will be made, CVI treated, and tested as described in Task No. 1. Pure carbides will be tested first, followed by carbides doped with impurities of different electrical valences whose atomic radii are favorable for solubility in the carbide lattice structure. Dopants will be introduced either during the chemical formation of the carbide, by mix and sinter diffusion, or by high energy ion bombardment of the powder prior to pelletization. The approximate time period for completion of Task No. 2 is twelve months. Investigations have been hampered by equipment failures. Progress is described.
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