Serum amino-terminal propeptide of type III procollagen levels in chronic pancreatitis.

Summary The severity of pancreatic fibrosis, a characteristic feature of patients with chronic pancreatitis (CP), can be assessed only by direct histologic analysis of pancreatic tissue. Since serum levels of the amino-terminal type III procollagen propeptide (PIIIP) can reflect the degree of fibrogenic activity in several diseases associated with fibrosis, the current study was aimed at investigating whether PIIIP are increased in chronic pancreatitis, the relationship between PIIIP and pancreatic fibrogenic activity, and the influence of pancreatectomy, pancreatic exocrine function, and duration of disease on PIIIP levels. Serum PIIIP was measured in 18 patients with CP (15 without liver disease and three with cholestasis) and in 21 healthy controls. The effect of pancreatectomy on PIIIP was evaluated in seven patients, in whom PIIIP was measured immediately before and 2 months after surgery. Prolylhydroxylase (PHase) activity as an index of pancreatic fibrogenesis was evaluated in pancreatic tissue from 11 patients who had undergone subtotal pancreatectomy and from 11 organ donors. The bentiromide (BT)-PABA test as an index of exocrine pancreatic function was measured in all patients. PIIIP was significantly higher in patients who had or had not undergone pancreatectomy (17.3 ± 4.0 and 25 ± 11.4 ng/ml, respectively) than in controls (12.3 ± 3.1 ng/ml) (p < 0.001). PIIIP decreased significantly after pancreatectomy (before, 32.0 ± 9.3 ng/ml; after, 18.4 ± 4.8 ng/ml; p = 0.00s). PHase was significantly higher in patients (773 ± 250 cpm/mg protein) than in controls (405 ± 121 cpm/mg protein) (p < 0.001). PIIIP was correlated with pancreatic PHase (r = 0.7, p = 0.001) but not with BTPABA or with the duration of the disease. In conclusion, serum PIIIP levels are increased in patients with CP and reflect the severity of pancreatic fibrogenic activity. No relationship between the serum PIIIP levels and the pancreatic exocrine function and duration of disease was found.
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