Efeito do pH da solução de gonadotrofinas sérica e coriónica sôbre o pêso do ovário e útero de ratas imaturas

Systemic investigations on the effect of pH on the biological activity of pregnant mare serum and chorionic gonadotropins have been carried out using intact immature rats. With the P. M. S. the uterine and the ovarian weight responses showed the lowest values at pH 3 and pH 10 and highest values at pH 7, at moderate doses of hormones. However, the observed differences were not statistically significant. With the H.C.G. the uterine and ovarian weight responses showed the lowest values at pH 3 and highest values at pH 7 and pH 10. Significant difference in the ovarian weight response between pH 3 and those of the pH 7 — pH 10 could be demonstrated, whereas no significant difference was found with the results obtained in the uterine weights groups.
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