d-Sotalol Induces Marked Action Potential Prolongation and Early Afterdepolarizations in M but Not Epicardial or Endocardial Cells of the Canine Ventricle:

Background: Despite its class III antiarrhythmic actions, experimental and clinical studies have shown that d-sotalol can also be proarrhythmic; a recent clinical trial that evaluated d- sotalol in postmyocardial patients (SWORD) had to be prematurely interrupted because of the excess mortality in the treated group. Previous studies have demonstrated the existence of a marked heterogeneity across the ventricular wall; epicardial, endocardial, and M cells have been shown to display distinct electrophysiologic characteristics and pharmacologic behav ior. The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that M cells are the primary target for the class III actions of d-sotalol in canine ventricular myocardium and may contribute to its proarrhythmic effects.Methods and Results: We used standard microelectrode techniques to record transmem brane activity from endocardial, epicardial, midmyocardial, and transmural strips isolated from the canine left ventricle. d-Sotalol (100 μM, 60 minutes of exposure, [K...
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