Экспериментальное обоснование применения золотосодержащего покрытия для повышения биологической инертности стоматологических конструкционных сплавов

It is possible to minimize an adverse effect of metals on oral cavity tissues, having applied to production of prostheses alloys of precious metals. Theoretically reasonable and technically developed solution is application of electrolytic gilding of elements of the prosthesis executed from alloys of imperftct metals. Research objective: experimental substantiation of application of a goldcomprising covering for rising of biological inactivity of stomatologic constructional alloys. Experiment nasmade on 18 animal (rabbits). When using a cobalt-chromic alloy there is a damage of tissues to development of a purulent inflammation with the subsequent formation of a granulation. The adhesion occurs a second intention. When using plates from an alloy on the basis of gold and a cobalt-chromic alloy with a gold-zirconium covering structural changes in tissues the identical. In reply to damage the aseptic serous inflammation develops. In a wound the granulation is formed, the adhesion occurs by a first intention and in shorter terms.
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