Perancangan Sistem Pendeteksi Pencemaran Air Menggunakan Case Base Reasoning

Case Base Reasoning (CBR) is one part of program in comprehencion computer case based, the system aim is to solve new case with adaptation way of the solutions in old cases that similirity with new case. CBR can be applied in varous field, such as in health part in this case is water pollution detection system, this detection system is used to detect the surface water pollution and this system is hoped to help for giving information about water pullotion that happen based on physical  indicators and also the system will give the information of prevention. The data collection method in this research is done by abservation method, secondary data and interview method. Observation method is done in department that relate with research that already done which is in Politeknik Kesehatan Kementerian kesehatan Tanjungkarang majoring Kesehatan lingkungan. Secondary data method is done by reading, copy and making notes that is sourced on sereval literature that support and have connection with this research. Interview method is done by doing interview with an expert in environment field especially in water pollution.This water pollution detection system will give rashness in data input process aboaut water pollution. The error in using this system is if uses can not input complete data so the system will be error. Pollution detection system is suggested so the knowledge will be fixed by using primary data, not only secondary data. Keywords: Detection Systems, Pollution, Water and Case Base Reasoning.
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