Early access to health products in France: major advances of the French “Conseil stratégique des industries de santé” (CSIS) to be implemented (modalities, regulations, funding)*

Summary In a context of perpetual evolution of treatments, access to therapeutic innovation is a major challenge for patients and the various players involved in the procedures of access to medicines. The revolutions in genomic and personalized medicine, artificial intelligence and biotechnology will transform the medicine of tomorrow and the organization of our health system. It is therefore fundamental that France prepares for these changes and supports the development of its companies in these new areas. The recent “Conseil strategique des industries de sante” launched by Matignon makes it possible to propose a regulatory arsenal conducive to the implementation and diffusion of therapeutic innovations. In this workshop, we present a number of proposals, our approach having remained pragmatic with a permanent concern to be effective in the short term for the patients and to simplify the procedures as much as possible. This was achieved thanks to the participation in this workshop of most of the players involved (industrial companies, “ Agence nationale de securite du medicament et des produits de sante ”, “ Haute autorite de sante ”, “ Institut national du cancer ”, “ Les entreprises du medicament ”, hospitals, “ Observatoire du medicament, des dispositifs medicaux et de l'innovation therapeutique ”...). The main proposals tend to favor the implementation of clinical trials on our territory, especially the early phases, a wider access to innovations by favoring early access programs and setting up a process called “ autorisation temporaire d’utilisation d’extension ” (ATUext) that make it possible to prescribe a medicinal product even if the latter has a marketing authorisation in another indication. In addition, we propose a conditional reimbursement that will be available based on preliminary data but will require re-evaluation based on consolidated data from clinical trials and/or real-life data. Finally, in order to better carry out these assessments, with a view to access or care, we propose the establishment of partnership agreements with health agencies/hospitals in order to encourage the emergence of field experts, in order to prioritize an ascending expertise closer to patients’ needs and to real life.
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