Çocukluk Çağında Sıklığı Giderek Artan Bir Acil Servis Tanısı: Alkol Zehirlenmeleri

OZET Amac:Cocuk acil unitemize alkol zehirlenmesi tanisiyla basvuran olgularin sikligini, klinikve demografik ozelliklerini belirlemektir. Gerec ve Yontemler:Ocak 2006-Mart 2011 tarihleri ara -sinda alkol zehirlenmesi tanisiyla basvuran 43 cocuk hastanin hastane kayitlari geriye donuk ince -lendi. Bulgular: Calisma suresinde cocuk acil unitemize 32’si (%74,4) erkek ve 11’i (%25,6) kizolmak uzere toplam 43 cocuk olgu basvurmustu. Hastalarin yas ortalamasi 13,7±5,3 (1,0-17,0 yil) idi.Zehirlenmelerin 33’u (%76,7) asiri tuketime, 7’si (%16,3) kaza sonucu ve 3’u (%7,0) ise ozkiyimamacli alima bagli gelismisti. Kan alkol duzeyinin ortanca degeri 127 (1-314) mg/dL idi. Zehirlenmesiddet skoru (ZŞS) uyarinca 23 (%53,5) olguda zehirlenme hafif, 2 (%4,7) olguda orta ve 3 (%7,0)olguda ise agir siddette idi. Uc (%7,0) olgunun Glaskow koma skoru (GKS) ≤8 idi. En sik belirti vebulgular sirasiyla bulanti (%48,8), kusma (%46,5), bilinc kaybi (%7,0) ve hipotermi (%2,3) idi. Uc(%7,0) olguda travma oykusu, 1 (%2,3) olguda ise cinsel istismar bulgusu mevcuttu. Iki (%4,7) ol -guda alkolle birlikte uyusturucu madde kullanimi tespit edildi. Olgularin ortalama takip suresi16,1±7,1 (2,0-31,0) saatti. Kirk iki (%97,6) olguya damar ici sivi ve 1 (%2,3) olguya damar ici sod -yum bikarbonat tedavisi uygulanmisti. Sonuc:Cocuk acil servislerine alkol zehirlenmesi nedeniyleyapilan basvurular giderek artmakta olup, travma, uyusturucu ilac kullanimi ve psikiyatrik hasta -liklar bu klinik tabloya eslik edebilmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler:Alkol zehirlenmesi; cocuk; aciller ABSTRACT Objective:The aim of this study was to investigate the clinical and demographic fea -tures of patients presentign to the pediatric emergency department with alcohol intoxication.Material and Methods:The hospital records of 43 pediatric patients (0-18 years old) who presentedwith alcohol intoxication between January 2006 and March 2011 were examined retrospectively.Result s: During the study period, 43 pediatric patients were admitted to our emergency unit;thirty-two patients (74.4%) were male,S 11 (25.6%) were female. The mean age of the patients was13.7±5.3 years (1 to 17 years). The reason of alcohol intoxication was excessive intake in 33 patients(76.7%), accidental intake in 7 patients (16.3%) and suicide attempt in 3 patients (7.0%). The me -dian blood alcohol level was 127 (1-314) mg/dl. Poisoning severity score (PSS) was mild in 23(53.5%) patients, moderate in 2 (4.7%) patients and severe in 3 (7.0%) patients. Glasgow ComaScore (GCS) was ≤8 in three (7.0%) cases. The most common symptoms and signs were nausea(48.8%), vomiting (46.5%), consciousness (7.0%) and hypothermia respectively. Three patients(7.0%) had a history for trauma. One patient had clinical findings of sexual abuse. Alcohol and il -licit drug use was detected in two patients (4.7%). The mean follow-up period of the subjects was16.1±7.1 hours. Intravenous fluid therapy was adminisered in forty-two (97.6%) patients and in -travenous sodium bicarbonate in 1 (2.3%) patient. Conclusion:Admissions to pediatric emergencyservices because of alcohol poisoning are increasing. Trauma, drug use, and psychiatric disordersmay accompany this clinical picture.Key Words: Alcoholic intoxication; child; emergencies
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