Wing Hair Plates in Crickets: Physiological Characteristics and Connections with Stridulatory Motor Neurones

1. (1) Hairs in the subcostal hair plates of the wings of crickets have a high angular stiffness (5.5μNm rad1) when bent about their base. The mean threshold required to elicit action potentials is 15°. Viscous drag from air movements will not deflect the hairs sufficiently to excite them; this will only occur when the hair is bent by the opposite wing. 2. (2) The hair sensillae project to the ventral association area of the mesothoracic ganglion, but the endings of the stridulatory motor neurones are all in dorsal or lateral neuropiles of the thoracic ganglia. 3. (3) Electrical stimulation of the hair plates evokes reliable EPSPs in opener (M99), closer (M90) and wing folding (M85) motor neurones, after latencies of 4–20 ms, depending on the neurone. Properties of the hairs and motor neurones suggest that these EPSPs in the wing folding muscle (M85) and closer (M90) could play an important role in the control of wing position seen in recent behavioural study.
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