Prostitución y trata con fines de explotación sexual en la prensa digital española: análisis comparativo de la producción informativa

In this paper we propose the comparative analysis of the information published on prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation in Spanish media in two periods, 2013-2014 and 2018, with samples of 491 and 1,122 pieces, respectively. The intention is to identify, through a methodological triangulation that includes ethnographic mapping, content analysis and discourse, the indications and trends that make up the media agenda on prostitution and trafficking, the patterns of representation, the dominant stories, and the importance that significant events they regarding legislative, moral and political regulation of this phenomenon. We conclude that there are continuities in the themes, stories and actors, maintaining the priority of the police and judicial actions. Quantitatively, the importance of the information generated by controversial issues is not very relevant, but some issues mark a change in the trend and a break with the information continuity that allows the appearance of new actors and stories, such as the perspective of sex work, which previously received anecdotal coverage.
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