A New Clustering Algorithm With Preference Adjustment Cost to Reduce the Cooperation Complexity in Large-Scale Group Decision Making

In large-scale group decision making (LSGDM), appropriate clustering analysis is important to consensus reaching since it can reduce the interactive complexity among individuals. According to the traditional clustering method, a conflict may arise between the consensus reaching levels and total adjustment costs within clusters when individuals have different unit adjustment cost, which reflects their willingness to make concessions. Since this conflict may aggravate the consensus complexity, we propose a new K-means clustering method that considers both preferences and the preference adjustment cost. The preference adjustment cost is attached to preferences with a parameter that can be determined by balancing this conflict. Because of such conflict, the proposed clustering algorithm can improve the similarity of intracluster individuals on the preference adjustment cost by offsetting some acceptable consensus reaching levels within clusters. According to the proposed clustering algorithm, individuals who have both similar preferences and adjustment willingness are classified into the same clusters. In this way, the moderator can provide similar compensation strategies for intracluster individuals, which will decrease the adjustment complexity. A practical case study of team construction examines the application of the proposed algorithm, and the related comparative analysis shows that it is convenient for managers to persuade individuals to reach a consensus under the improved clustering results.
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