Study of Charge Sharingon CdTe\CZT Detectors withSegmented Electrodes

Abstract-The factors degrading the performance ofCdTe\CdZnTe detectors are the interaction depth dependence ofsignal inducedbyionizing radiation, andfor segmentedelectrodedevices the charge sharing between adjacent pixels or strips. Toevaluate the influence ofthe latter effect on the overall responseof position sensitive spectrometers, we have performed severalmeasurements on a CZT multipixel and a CdTe microstripdetector. A parallel numerical study has been carried out inorder to evaluate charge-sharing between adjacent strips as a function ofvarious geometrical and electronics parameters. Themicrostrip anode is composed of 15 strips, each 18 x 0.15 x 2 mm3, with a pitch of0.5 mm, while the pixel size the 4x4channel CZTdetector is 1.8 x 1.8 5 mm3 (2 mm pitch). Bothtested detectors are equipped with a single cathode. Wereportlaboratory measurements, comparedwith the simulation results,of the double events (events that induce the signal on two adjacent strips or pixels), as a function ofthe photon
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