Okul Öncesi E ğitimde Açik Hava Etkinliklerine Yönelik Ö ğretmen Görü ş ve Uygulamalari

Ozet- Okul oncesi o gretmenlerinin acik hava etkinlikleri ile ilgili du sunce, tutum ve uygulamalarini ortaya koymayi amaclayan bu calisma Karadeniz Bolgesi'ndeki bir sehirde gercekle stirilmi stir. Milli E gitim Bakanligi'na ba gli programlarda gorev yapmakta olan farkli e gitim derecelerine ve farkli surelerde deneyime sahip o gretmenlerden nitel ara stirma yontemlerinden yari yapilandirilmis goru sme teknigi kullanilarak veri toplanmistir. Veriler literatur i siginda ara stirmacilarca kodlanmistir. Verilerin analizi sonucunda elde edilen bulgul ar, o gretmenlerin acik hava etkinlikleri konusunda genel olarak olumlu du sunce ve tutumlara sahip olduklarini ancak fiziksel sartlarin yetersizli gi, okul bahcelerinde guvenlik tedbirlerinin alinmamis olu su, siniflarin kalabalik olu su, cocuklarin acik havada hastalanacaklarina dair kaygilar ta simalari, velilerin olumsuz tepkileri gibi nedenlerle uygulamada acik hava etkinliklerine yeteri kadar yer veremediklerini ortaya koymu stur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Okul oncesi e gitim, acik hava etkinlikleri, o gretmen, etkinlikleri Abstract- Outdoor Activities: Early Childhood Teachers' Belief s and Practices. The aim of this research was to explore early childhood education teachers' beliefs and practices towards outdoor play. The participants were recrui ted from the early childhood education programs in a province within t he Black Sea Region and had varying levels of trainin g and experience. In this qualitative research, data were collected t hrough semi-structured interviews with the particip ants. Additionally, two focus group sessions were held. All the interviews were transcribed and then coded to obtain major the mes. Results showed that the teachers had positive feelings and attitud es towards outdoor play but did not practice what t hey believed in. Factors including poor physical conditions of the playgroun ds, crowded classrooms, ungrounded fears that child ren would get sick when they are exposed to cold weather, and parental resistance were given as the reasons the participa nts do not make room for outdoor play in their teaching.
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