Tindak Tutur Ilokusi dalam Novel Keajaiban Rezeki Karya Tasaro GK

This study aims to: (1) Describe the form of illuminative speech acts in the novel of Keajaiban Rezeki by Tasaro GK, (2) Identify the implementation of illustrative speech act in the novel Keajaiban Rezekiby Tasaro GK on Indonesian language learning in Junior High School. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection method applied in this research is method refer to advanced technique note. The data has been collected and then analyzed using the method of agih and method of padan. The form of speech acts contained in Novel Keajaiban Rezeki by Tasaro GK, there are 93 speeches. Based on the classification result, there have been five classifications, 49 acute illusionist acts, 8 directive diroking speech acts, 10 comic illusory speech acts, 24 expressive illustration speech acts, and 2 speech acts of illocution declaration. The reselt of the discovery of illocutionary speech acts can be as the development of fictional text language teaching materials. The actuation of illustration in the novel of Keajaiban Rezeki by Tasaro GK can be implemented in Indonesian language learning at the junior high school level (SMP) of the Curriculum 2013 on Core Competence (KI) 3 and Basic Competence (KD) 3.12.
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