The exoplanet hunter HARPS: performance and first results

ABSTRACT HARPS is a new high resolution “bre-fed spectrograph dedicated to the extremely precise measurement ofstellar radial velocities. After being used for about one year including the commissioning runs we report avery successful implementation of the measures taken to maximise stability, eciency and spectral performance.Using the Simultaneous ThAr Reference Method a short term precision of 0.2 ms Š 1 during one night and a longterm precision of the order of 1 ms Š 1 have been achieved. Equipped with a fully automated data reductionpipeline that produces solar system barycentric radial velocities in near real-time, HARPS promises to deliverdata of unequalled quality. HARPS will primarily be used for the search for exoplanets and in the “eld ofasteroseismology. First exciting scienti“c results con“rm these expectations.Keywords: spectroscopy, exoplanet, asteroseismology, radial velocity 1. INTRODUCTION HARPS, the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher saw its First Light at the 3.6m telescope of ESOsLa Silla Observatory in February 2003, exactly 3 years after the project was formally launched as a cooperativeeort between the HARPS Consortium and the European Southern Observatory ESO. The former consists ofPhysikalisches Institut der Universit¨ at Bern, Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP) and Service dA´ eronomiedu CNRS under the leadership of Observatoire de de Gen` eve, on ESOs side substantial contributions camefrom La Silla Observatory and the Instrumentation Division at the Garching Headquarters. More details of thehistory can be found in Mayor.
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