Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems: risk management during inspections and sanitation activities

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems control temperature and humidity of working and living environments, they ensure adequate air changes and decrease airborne concentration of dusts and others particles. On the other hand, if not adequately managed, they can spread in the air a great variety of pollutants, which collect in dirty air ducts and air handling unit (pathogen microorganisms, allergens, dusts, fibres and chemical agents). The system can then become a source of risk for people living or working inside the building and for technicians employed in its cleaning and maintenance.  It is necessary to adopt all the preventive and protective measures needed to grant operators’ health and safety during ordinary or extra maintenance, with regard to every risks actually or potentially present.  For companies involved in HVAC systems cleaning and sanitation, it is available a booklet published by INAIL which identifies health and safety risks of each working phase and suggest specific organizational, procedural and technical solutions, it also promote the adoption of correct equipment, adequate individual protection devices and safer behaviours.
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