Dose Intensity and Outcome with Combination Chemotherapy for Germ-Cell Carcinoma

Abstract Two hundred and fifty-three patients with advanced stage germ cell carcinoma received induction chemotherapy with vinblastine, bleomycin and cisplatin, sometimes with subsequent surgical resection of residual masses. Overall, 191 patients ( 76% ) achieved complete remission or no evidence of disease after surgery (CR + NED). With 64 months median follow-up only 24 patients have relapsed ( 13% ) and 68% of all patients treated are long-term survivors and 84% of patients entering CR + NED are alive. Toxicity with this chemotherapy was considerable, including seven deaths from leukopenia and septicaemia and eight deaths from bleomycin lung toxicity. Dose reductions or omissions of the drug from the treatment programme was necessary with cisplatin in 8% of patients, with vinblastine in 37% and with bleomycin in 35% of patients. Analysis of these alterations in dose intensity for each drug revealed that initial treatment response and subsequent survival were not compromised by reductions in intended doses of drug administered for either vinblastine or bleomycin. Too few patients had dose reductions of cisplatin for meaningful analysis. This apparent lack of major dose-response effect for either vinblastine or bleomycin in the present treatment programme for germ cell carcinoma has prompted the initiation of a randomized study to determine whether deletion of bleomycin from treatment for patients with good prognostic pretreatment characteristics improves the therapeutic index of this very successful therapy.
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