A next-generation marker genotyping platform (AmpSeq) in heterozygous crops: a case study for marker-assisted selection in grapevine

A new strategy for genetic analysis may accelerate development of improved cultivars in perennial crops such as grapevine. Breeding new varieties of slow-growing crops like trees and vines is a time-consuming process. The recent introduction of gene-based methods including marker-assisted selection (MAS) enables breeders to select promising individuals before maturity. However, this relies on identifying the genes associated with desired traits, a process that is not always straightforward. Now, a US team led by Lance Cadle-Davidson, USDA-ARS, Geneva, and Qi Sun, Cornell University, Ithaca, have developed a strategy to speed up MAS. Using modern ‘next generation’ sequencing methods and machine-learning, this approach bridges the gap between gene discovery and application in marker-assisted breeding programs. It has proved successful for three traits in grapevine, and could become useful across a wide range of crops.
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