Indium-111-radiolabeled guinea pig peripheral leukocytes: In vivo distribution and response to leukotriene B4

Abstract The preparation of indium-111 tropolonate-radiolabeled guinea pig peripheral mixed white cells (> 80% neutrophils) is described. Autologous rather than homologous cells are required to provide a population of labeled, functional cells on reintroduction to the animals. Surgery has been shown to result in a profound neutropenia from which the animals must recover before removal of blood for cell preparation. The response of radiolabeled cells parallels that of the unlabeled cell population to a chemotaxin, leukotriene B 4 . This material causes a profound neutropenia of rapid onset accompanied by a parallel fall in blood radioactivity. The fall in circulating radiolabel is accompanied by an increase in radioactivity in the thoracic region. These changes have been monitored externally using an automated isotope monitoring system.
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