Neuro-Developmental Disorders in India – An INCLEN Study (P04.229)

OBJECTIVE: The objectives of our research are: 1) estimate the prevalence of NDDs among children aged 2-9 years in India; 2) gather information on risk factors; 3) develop and disseminate methodology that may be useful in other low income countries. BACKGROUND: The domains studied were: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorders, Intellectual Disability, Epilepsy, Learning Disability, Neuromuscular Disorders including cerebral palsy, Speech and Language Disorders, and Hearing and Vision Impairment. DESIGN/METHODS: A 39 question NDST was developed in English and Hindi, translated into 8 regional languages and validated among 593 subjects in 9 regions of India. The test-retest and inter-rater reliability of the NDST was assessed at two centers in New Delhi, and at the Child Development Center in Thiruvanantapuram, testing 192 children. The test re-test reliability coefficient was above 0.8 for 35 of the 39 questions (89.7%) among both doctors and research assistants. The inter-rater reliability correlation co-efficient was above 0.8 for 21 questions (53.8%). The content validity of the refined tool was then validated in four different strata: rural, urban, hilly areas and tribal areas at five field sites. Conventional clinical diagnostic methods, including expert opinion were used to establish or rule out the presence of NDD9s. A total of 593 subjects participated in this piloting. RESULTS: A total of 4,000 households in 6 regions of India were sampled. CONCLUSIONS: Subject to extensive ongoing analysis, it appears that 7.5% to 18.5% of children ages 2-9 years suffer from one or more NDD, including those who exhibited more than one NDD. If one excludes isolated hearing impairment, the overall prevalence of NDD9s seems to be from 4.7 to 13.7%. Supported by: NIH (USA) Grant R21 HD53057, MKC Nair (PI), J. Pinto-Martin and D. Silberberg (Co-PI9s), S Gulati, Network Coordinator); Autism Speaks (USA); The National Trust (Government of India) and INCLEN. Disclosure: Dr. Silberberg has nothing to disclose. Dr. Arora has nothing to disclose. Dr. Bhutani has nothing to disclose. Dr. Durkin has nothing to disclose. Dr. Gulati has nothing to disclose.
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