Colgajo C-V y tatuaje: una alternativa para reconstrucción aréola pezón Nipple areeola reconstruction with c-v flap and tatoo. Experience in 18 patients

SUMMARY Background: The reconstruction of the nipple areola complex is the final complement to mammary reconstruction. Its objective is to give a natural look, giving a symmetrical aspect when compared with the opposite complex. Reconstruction techniques combine local flaps, grafting and tattoos. Material and Methods: Report of a series of 16 women who received 18 nipple areola complex reconstructions with the C-V flap for nipple and intradermal areolar tattooing technique, at Hospital Clinico Regional Concepcion, between years 2003 and 2004. The average follow up was 17 months. Nipple projection and areola diameter were compared with the other complex. Complications were recorded and the patients were questioned about their satisfaction. Results: Average projection of reconstructed and contralateral nipples was 5.5 (range 3-8) and 6.1 (range 3-10) mm, respectively, p=NS. The tattooed and contralateral areolar areas were 21.6 (range 16.5-28) and 20.1 (range 12.3-29) mm 2 respectively, p=NS. There was a minor complication only in one areola (5,5%). The procedure was considered adequate by 87% of the patients. Conclusions: The C-V flap and intradermal tattooing technique, is an adequate alternative to reconstruct the nipple areola.
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