Variation of genomic islands and flanking fragments in Vibrio parahaemolyticus isolates from environmental and clinical sources in Taiwan

Abstract Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a halophilic foodborne pathogenic bacterium that causes gastroenteritis; it has become an issue of global concern since the emergence and spread of pandemic O3:K6 strains. This study evaluated the role of Vibrio pathogenicity island (VPaI)-associated fragments in the genetic variation and grouping of this pathogen. Distribution of some VPaI fragments and flanking fragments (VPaI-1, VPaI-4, VPaI-5, VPaI-6 and VPaI-7) was determined in a total of 53 V. parahaemolyticus isolates from environmental and clinical sources in Taiwan, and supported by the sequences of seven fragments of VPaI-4 and its flanking fragment VP2145. As determined from the distribution of these VPaI-associated fragments, the clinical pandemic isolates were closely related in a single cluster; the clinical nonpandemic isolates were grouped into several clusters, while the environmental isolates were comparatively highly diversified. The profiles of virulence-associated genes of environmental pathogenic isolates varied, and were closer to those of clinical nonpandemic isolates than those of pandemic isolates. Isolates with atypical profiles of the VPaI-associated fragments and virulence-associated genes were identified. Sequences of VP2145 exhibited a close phylogenetic relationship among these local isolates, which were distinct from most V. parahaemolyticus strains from other geographic regions. This investigation demonstrated the application of VPaI-associated fragments in studying the genetic variation and clustering of V. parahaemolyticus isolates from different sources.
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