Development of a Near-Body Compute Engine for the HI-ARMS Institute

Abstract : The report covers the first full year of participation of the University of Wyoming (UW) research team in the HI-ARMS project. The principal role of the UW team is the development of an unstructured mesh near body compute engine (NBE) for use within the HI-ARMS software suite. A prototype NBE solver has been developed and tested both for stand-alone test cases, including a hover test case, and in a coupled mode running with the structured grid off-body compute engine (OBE) of the HI-ARMS software. A more thoroughly validated production version of the NBE remains under development. An IBLANK capability has been incorporated into the production version of the NBE, as well as a capability for merging, tracking and solving multiple blocks of unstructured meshes simultaneously as a single data structure within the solver. At the same time, wrapping of these codes using the Python scripting language has been performed, thus providing a path for software integration in the HI-ARMS project. A mesh deformation solver has also been demonstrated and is currently being packaged for use as a stand-alone code or callable subroutine within the HI-ARMS framework.
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