Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Bacteria of Veterinary Origin

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is an essential tool to the veterinarian for selecting the most appropriate agent for treatment of bacterial diseases of animals. The availability of well-defined methods that incorporate the necessary quality controls coupled to clinical outcome data is foundational in providing relevant test results for clinical decisions. Since 1993, the Clinical Laboratory and Standards Institute (CLSI) Subcommittee on Veterinary Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (VAST) has developed specific test methods and interpretive criteria for veterinary pathogens. This information has allowed for veterinarians to more effectively treat animal diseases thereby protecting both animal welfare and human food security. Moreover, the availability of standardized test methods for veterinary pathogens has allowed for the development of antimicrobial surveillance programs to detect the emergence of resistance among veterinary pathogens. Future work by the VAST and other groups will be critical to expanding the current test methods and interpretive criteria to more pathogen-antibacterial combinations, as well as, the incorporation of genomic information for routine antimicrobial susceptibility testing in the veterinary diagnostic laboratory.
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