Маркетинг в здравоохранении и проблемы организации гериатрической службы

Need and urgency of a subject of research is caused by significant increase in specific weight of persons of advanced and senile age in society in comparison with young. All patients for reliability of research were divided into 4 groups. The data received at studying of features of statement of tasks and the purposes in establishments of different forms of ownership testify that in all studied groups the purpose of rendering of medical care to persons as average, and advanced age coincide improvement of medical social indicators of health and ensuring quality of medical care. But despite statement of a common aim and coincidence of the majority of tasks for achievement of the purpose, there are distinctions in ways of achievement this aim depending on age of patients and form of ownership of treatment-and-prophylactic establishment that causes a different results. It speaks features in planning of activity of the public and private institutions, especially in planning of factorial loading and preventive activity. The analysis of data shows that concerning all groups medical and diagnostic activity authentically prevailed over the preventive. When studying a place of the geriatric help in the market of medical services this segment is unattractive in respect of production mission of the health care, connected by that positive medical and economic effect is shown not at once, and after a while. In the carried-out researches by authors approaches to regulation of demand and offers in the market of medical services which are offered patients of advanced and senile age are formulated and recommendations about rendering of medical care of this category of patients, formation of uniform system of medical and rehabilitation actions at regional level with the mixed way of establishments of health care are made, at management of branch, integration of the public and private institutions of health care.
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