Recommended resources on the neuroscience of development

Abstract Scientists have been fascinated by the nervous system since ancient times. Alkmaion (circa 450 BCE) was the first scientist to dissect and study the anatomy of the brain and peripheral nerves. The paradigm shift that occurred when he ascribed a specific function to a defined region of the brain was fundamental to the birth of neuroscience. However, the comparatively modern field of developmental neuroscience originated with the histological observations that Santiago Ramon y Cajal described in 1911. Since then, an overwhelming array of techniques and tools has been applied in the advancement of developmental neuroscience. These can visualize cells, tracts, and pathways, tracking their development. Neurones can be isolated and cultured. Molecular factors can be manipulated to determine their function. Genes are being sought out. So, there has been an explosion of knowledge and understanding in developmental neuroscience. It is now difficult even for experienced scientists to remain up-to-date. To assist colleagues who are interested in understanding more about oxidative stress and aging, we have therefore produced tables containing up-to-date resources in this chapter. The experts who assisted with the compilation of these tables of resources are acknowledged as follows.
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