Ground-Penetrating Radar Prospections to Image the Inner Structure of Coastal Dunes at Sites Characterized by Erosion and Accretion (Northern Tuscany, Italy)

In this study we aimed to gain insights into dune formation and evolution from select coastal tracts of Northern Tuscany by inspecting their internal sedimentary architecture with Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) analysis. Erosion, equilibrium and accretion characterize the selected coastal tracts, and this analysis remarks on some GPR features consistently associated with specific coastal evolution states. A standard sequence of data processing made it possible to trace several radar surfaces and reflectors in the GPR profile, eventually interpreted in terms of depositional processes and erosive events. The stable or currently accreting coastal sectors show radar features compatible with a general beach progradation process, punctuated by berm formation in the general context of a positive sedimentary budget. Additionally, the radar facies distribution locally supports a mechanism of dune nucleation on an abandoned berm. Conversely, the GPR profile of the coastal sector today affected by erosion shows how a negative sedimentary budget inhibited coastal progradation and favored destructive events. These events interacted also with the active dunes, as demonstrated by the overlapping of wave run-up and aeolian radar facies. GPR prospections were effective at delineating the recent/ongoing coastal sedimentary budget by identifying radar features linked to construction/destruction phenomena in the backshore, and to dune nucleation/evolution.
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