An Optimal Control Model Analysis of Data from a Simulated Hover Task

Abstract : Development of engineering requirements for man-in-the-loop simulation is a complex task involving numerous trade-offs between simulation fidelity and costs, accuracy and speed, etc. The principal issues confronting the developer of a simulation involve the design of the cue (motion and visual) environment so as to meet simulation objectives, and the design of the digital simulation model to fulfill real-time requirements with adequate accuracy. In specifying the cue environment the designer must establish the need for particular cues as well as the requisite fidelity for their presentation. These choices are important because the validity and utility of the resulting simulation can be critically dependent upon them and because the decisions involve major costs of the simulation. Unfortunately, these decisions are difficult to arrive at rationally, inasmuch as they depend on complex psychological as well as engineering factors. This paper describes the application of the multi-cue OCM to the analysis of data obtained in a previous study of simulated helicopter hover. The experiment was designed to examine the effects on hover control of motion cues (as provided by a motion platform or g-seat) and of delays in the generation of visual cues. The simulated task corresponded to maintaining a helicopter in a high hover relative to a ship moving at 15 knots.
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