[Comparative characteristics of some actnomycetes, producers of antifungal antibiotics related to chondamycin].

Three actinomycetous strains designated as LIA-0773, LIA-0783 and LIA-0780 were isolated from various soil samples. The cultures actively inhibited the growth of Trichophyton gipseum and produced a non-polyenic antibiotic of the chondamycin type. The strains were identified with Act. griseochromogenes Fukunaga et. al., 1955. The cultures differed within the species by some morphological, cultural, physiological and antibiotic properties, as well as by the component composition of the antibiotic produced. Thus, strain LIA-0773 had larger spiral sporophores, satisfactorily hydrolized starch and inverted sucrose. The strain inhibited the growth of not only the fungi but also grampositive bacteria and mycobacteria and produced an antibiotic composed of 6 components. Strain LIA-0780 had small sporophores with close spirals and low amilolytic activity. It inhibited only the growth of the fungi and produced a monocomponent antibiotic. Strain LIA-0783 was intermediate. By its biological properties it was closer to strain LIA-0780. The antibiotic produced by it consisted of 6 components, while by its physico-chemical properties the antibiotic was close to that produced by strain LIA-0780. All the 3 actinomycetous cultures were considered as different variants of Act. griseochromogenes Fukunaga et al., 1955.
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