Enhanced generation of reactive oxygen intermediates by suppressor T cell-derived exosome-treated macrophages.

Macrophages (Mφ) as efficient phagocytes able to present the antigen and playing an effector role induce and orchestrate the immune response also through the release of soluble factors. Recently described T CD8+ cell-derived suppressive exosomes carrying miRNA-150, that act antigen-specifically, seem to inhibit murine contact sensitivity reaction indirectly by affecting antigen presenting cells, especially Mφ. Present studies investigated the influence of suppressive exosomes on secretory activity of Mφ assessed as their ability to generate reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs), nitric oxide, cytokines as well as their viability and expression of antigen phagocytosis and presentation markers. Interestingly, in vivo and in vitro treatment of Mφ with assayed hapten-specific exosomes affected only ROIs generation, significantly enhancing their production. Current results suggest that ROIs may participate in antigen-specific tolerance mechanism mediated by suppressive T lymphocyte-derived exosome-influenced Mφ, by inhibition of effector T cell proliferation and induction of T regulatory lymphocytes.
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