Case Report Atypical Stafne Bone Cavity

biopsy despite the proximity of the inferior alveolar nerve and the risk of nerve injury. Under general anaesthesia an intraoral buccal mucoperiosteal flap was raised and buccal bone removed with a bur. The cavity was found to be filled with salivary gland tissue and an incisional biopsy performed. Histopathological examination revealed an un-inflamed salivary gland with a normal duct and lobular structure and mild adipose replacement. At higher power the gland was found to be composed almost exclusively of serous acini with occasional clusters of mucous acini, consistent with the distal pole of the submandibular gland. A final diagnosis of Stafne idiopathic salivary gland inclusion was made (Fig. 3). Two months postoperatively the patient had some residual but resolving paraesthesia of the right mental nerve and did not return for further followup.
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