Vostok-2 gold-base-metal-tungsten skarn deposit, Central Sikhote-Alin, Russia

Vostok-2—East Russia’s largest skarn deposit of high-grade sulfide-scheelite ore with substantial base-metal and gold mineralization—was formed during the Mesozoic orogenic epoch of evolution of the Far East marginal continental system as an element of the gold-tin-tungsten metallogenic belt. The deposit is related to the multistage monzodiorite-granodiorite-granite complex pertaining to the ilmenite series and spatially associated with a minor granodiorite porphyry (?) stock, which bears petrological features transi- tional to those of intrusive rocks occurring at Au-W and Au deposits. The hydrothermal metasomatic alteration of host rocks evolved from pyroxene skarn via retrograde postskarn and propylitic (hydrosilicate) metasomatic rocks to the late, low-temperature quartz-sericite metasomatic rocks often with albite, chlorite, carbonate, and apatite. The mineral assemblages of skarn and postskarn metasomatic rocks correspond to those at the reduced-type tungsten skarn deposits. Zoning of the postskarn metasomatic rocks is controlled by granodiorite stock. The hydrothermal metasomatic alteration was accompanied by development of mineralization from scheelite via sulfide-scheelite with pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite to the gold-base-metal-scheelite assemblage with arsenopyrite, Bi-Sb-Te-Pb-Zn sulfides and sulfosalts. Several scheelite generations are recognized. Scheelite of the late generations is enriched in Eu, as is typical of gold deposits. The associated gold mineralization comprises both native gold varying in fineness and Au-bearing arsenopyrite. The significant gold mineralization emphasizes genetic links of this deposit with intrusion-related Au-W and Au deposits of the reduced type.
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