Towards automated power system model transformation for multi-TSO phasor time domain simulations using Modelica

Transmission system operators in Europe describe their dynamic power system models using different simulation tools, and due to the de-facto modeling philosophy used, these descriptions are ambiguous between tools. In addition the current CIM standard for dynamic model exchange does not guarantee consistency when exchanging models. This poses a challenge to perform pan-European dynamic security assessment. This paper presents a method for transforming power system model descriptions typically used by TSOs into a consistent and unambiguous equation based modeling language. As a result, this method allows performing simulations in multiple tools supporting the standardized Modelica language. The transformation method is validated by steady state and dynamic simulations and comparing simulation outputs between a reference tool (PSS/E or Eurostag) and a Modelica tool. It is shown that the Modelica language can be used as a common language to provide unambiguous model descriptions consistent with those tools typically used by TSOs, without loss of information and maintaining simulation fidelity.
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