Rectilinear shortest paths in the presence of rectangular barriers

In this paper we address the following shortest-path problem. Given a point in the plane andn disjoint isothetic rectangles (barriers), we want to construct a shortestL1 path (not crossing any of the barriers) from the source point to any given query point. A restricted version of this problem (where the source and destination points are knowna priori) had been solved earlier inO(n2) time. Our approach consists of preprocessing the source point and the barriers to obtain a planar subdivision where a query point can be located and a shortest path connecting it to the source point quickly transvered. By showing that any such path is monotone in at least one ofx ory directions, we are able to apply a plane sweep technique to divide the plane intoO(n) rectangular regions. This leads to an algorithm whose complexity isO(n logn) preprocessing time,O(n) space, andO(logn+k) query time, wherek is the number of turns on the reported path. If only the length of the path is sought,O(logn) query time suffices. Furthermore, we show an ?(n logn) time lower bound for the case where the source and destination points are known in advance, which implies the optimality of our algorithm in this case.
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